"This is a ridiculously one-sided, alarmist documentary which was co-produced by the BBC and the Discovery channel. It focuses on how death metal turns kids into murderous, raping, pillaging maniacs. Two cases are focused on in particular. In one, a group of satan-worshiping metalheads in Milan, Italy kill a couple of their friends. The tabloids in Italy blamed metal, of course, but the father of one of the victims doesn't seem so convinced. Meanwhile, out in California, another girl is killed in a satanic ritual by three more teens who dig metal. The parents in this case are less forgiving, and unsuccessfully sue Slayer in order to get them to stop selling their wares to kids. The doc itself takes a very harsh and judgemental tone towards the music. Also, there are featured interviews with Deicide and others, and a small segment about that Norwegian band that burned all those churches down."
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